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Radiation Detection and Imaging

书名:Radiation Detection and Imaging



This book is suitable for the nuclear radiation detection and nuclear medical imaging researchers, the technicians engaged in development of nuclear radiation detection and imaging instruments.



There are 10 chapters in this book.

Chapter 1 and 2 introduce the nuclear radiation detection methods based on smartphones and surveillance cameras. A high sensitivity NaI(TI) spectrometer is developed and its temperature drift characteristics are studied in chapter 3. Three kinds of detectors with directional positioning ability and a coded aperture gamma ray imaging camera are designed to locate the radioactive source rapidly in chapter 4. Chapter 5 introduces nuclear medicine imaging technologies, mainly including positron emission tomography (PET) and single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Chapter 6 surveys the background radiation and application of lutetium 176 in PET systems. High performance PET detectors and their calibration methods are demonstrated in chapter 7, 8 and 9. Chapter 10 introduces the high performance SPECT detector based on phoswich scintillators.



1 Radiation Detection Technique using Smartphones
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Raydose-V1 App
1.3 Raydose-V2

2 Radiation Detection Techniques using Surveillance Cameras
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Experiments
2.3 Algorithm
2.4 Results
2.5 Discussion
2.6 Summary

3 A High Sensitivity NaI(Tl) Spectrometry27
3.1 Introduction
3.2 System Description
3.3 Experiments
3.4 Data Processing and Analysis
3.5 Results
3.6 Discussion and Conclusion

4 Radiation Location and Imaging using Scintillator Detectors
4.1 System 1: An Attenuation based Sandwich Detector
4.2 System 2: A 360 Degree Sensitive Detector
4.3 System 3: A Direction-Sensitive Spherical Detector with 4π View
4.4 System 4: A Coded-Aperture Camera for Radiation Imaging


5 Nuclear Medical Imaging System
5.1 Introduction
5.2 SPECT Imaging
5.3 PET and PET/CT Imaging
5.4 A Compact Animal PET/SPECT/CT System


6 Intrinsic Radiation of Lutetium Based PET Detector
6.1 Introduction of Lutetium-176
6.2 The Drawbacks of IRL in PET
6.3 The Traditional Benefits of IRL in PET Systems
6.4 For Pinhole Geometry Calibration
6.5 For PET/CT Alignment
6.6 Conclusions


7 High Performance Position Sensitive Scintillator Detectors for PET
7.1 Components of Detectors
7.2 Experiment Platform
7.3 Detector Modules
7.4 PET Detectors with Air-gapped Pixelated LYSO
7.5 Conclusion


8 Depth of Interaction PET Detectors for High Performance Systems
8.1 Introduction
8.2 A Dual-layer Offset DOI PET Detector
8.3 A DOI-PET Detector Design Based on Light Sharing


9 Optimization Methods for  PET Detectors136
9.1 Introduction136
9.2 Evaluation of Energy Calculation Methods
9.3 Generating Crystal Look-up Table


10 Phoswich Detector for SPECT Imaging
10.1 Introduction of SPECT Detectors
10.2 Detector 1: A LYSO/GAGG Phoswich Detector
10.3 Detector 2: A Fast-GAGG/Typical-GAGG Phoswich Detector
10.4 Detector 3: A LYSO-F/GAGG-F/GAGG-T/GAGG-HR Array
10.5 Summary


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