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Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts

书名:Load Transfer Mechanism of Fully Grouted Cable Bolts
作者:陈见行 陈宇龙 张村



This book can be a reference for researchers working in colleges, universities or institutions. It can also be reference book for geotechnical or mining engineers.



This book focused on fully grouted cable bolts. A modified laboratory short encapsulation pull test method was proposed to study the load transfer mechanism of cable bolts. The influence of relevant parameters, such as the cable surface geometry and borehole diameter on the performance of cable bolts was studied. Based on the experimental results, analytical modelling was conducted to investigate the shear stress distribution along the cable/grout interface. Moreover, numerical simulation was performed to study the relationship between the confinement and pull-out load of cable bolts.



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Research objectives

1.3 Book outline


Chapter 2 A new laboratory short encapsulation pull test apparatus design

2.1 Introduction

2.2 LSEPT apparatus design

2.3 Test specimen preparation and installation

2.4 Preliminary tests

2.5 Summary


Chapter 3 Load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Load transfer of modified cable bolts

3.3 Load transfer of plain cable bolts

3.4 Comparison between two types of cable bolts

3.5 Post-failure behaviour

3.6 Summary


Chapter 4 Analytical modelling of load transfer behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Analytical modelling of the fully grouted cable bolts

4.3 Validation of the analytical model

4.4 Shear stress distribution in the peak load state

4.5 Interfacial shear stress propagation with pull-out stages

4.6 Summary


Chapter 5 Numerical simulation of the axial behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Structural element selection

5.3 Calibration of confining medium material

5.4 Simulation of the pull-out behaviour of Superstrand cable bolts

5.5 Simulation of the pull-out behaviour of MW9 cable bolts

5.6 Summary


Chapter 6 Conclusions




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